
5 Reasons Why Martial Arts Benefits Children In Building Self-Discipline

If you’re like most parents, it goes without saying that you absolutely adore your child, but you’d love it if they would do certain things without having to be told all the time. Maybe it’s doing their chores or remembering not to interrupt when you’re talking to other adults or having

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Why Martial Arts Is the Best Exercise for Out-of-Shape People

Though we may all have slightly different goals, we all want to get in better shape. We all want to like the way we look in the mirror and occupy capable bodies that don’t court health concerns. Unfortunately, for some, the path to fitness isn’t always straightforward. There have never been

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Why Kids’ Martial Arts Classes Lead to Greater Concentration and Self-Discipline

It goes without saying that every parent wants their child to do well in school. Nothing is quite as frustrating as knowing a child is capable of so much more than what they’re showing in the classroom. At the same time, most children struggle not because they aren’t smart or talented enough,

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How Martial Arts Can Help With Bullying

Bullying is every parents’ nightmare. The last thing you want is your child to come home from school and say that they’ve been picked on. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure their self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very

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How Martial Arts Can Boost Your Child’s Confidence

If your child is known as the “shy kid”, it can be really tough going for them. Having low self-confidence can make life all the more difficult – but taking martial arts can help.   While you might think that engaging in martial arts only offers physical benefits, there are actually many

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